All dogs are good dogs. We believe this even about dogs that are not a great fit for Dogs of Tucson. Some dogs don’t desire to be social with other dogs. Some dogs are under socialized and need extra help to learn to be polite.
You can also entrust that EVERY dog that enters our facility is thoroughly vetted. They’ve passed the social evaluation that we require of ALL members. No matter the breed of dog, size of dog, or how ‘scary’ you may find the way they play, you can rely on our team’s judgement in knowing that they’re a safe and welcome part of our park.
Let’s chat more about reasons you may be concerned (and shouldn’t be):
🐾 Dogs have moods, just like humans do. 🐾
Some days the dogs are extra barky, some days they are exhausted. We find that the best, most friendly play happens in the mornings. Dogs, like humans, can get tired and love their naps in the afternoon. Our moods also affect them! If you’re feeling unsure or apprehensive, so is your dog. If you are talking negatively or feeling negatively about a dog, your dog might be rude to that dog.
For those high-energy dogs that love to play, visiting us in the mornings is great because that’s when dogs are most active and playful. You can also reach out to the member email group to coordinate playgroups! If you set up a playgroup, include our team on your private text or email thread so we know when more than 2/3 dogs are gathering. This helps us ensure that we’re properly staffed for safety, rotations, and breaks. Use email
🐾 Some play might seem loud and scary. 🐾
True dog play might look aggressive, but it’s normal behavior! You might see lots of teeth, mouths, body slams, and other interactions that are scary to an untrained eye. Our team is well-educated about dog behavior, so we have simple ways to know what is good play where both parties are enjoying the interaction. We also know how to tell when play partners need a break. If you don’t know and have questions, please ask us!
🐾 All breeds are good dogs and should be treated fairly. 🐾
We accept absolutely no talking negatively about breeds, dogs of different sizes, or specific dogs. I will ask ANYONE to leave if they’re making rude comments about our dog friends– and ALL dogs that come to Tucson are our team’s dog friends. Humans can be asked to leave, because negative energy and rudeness to the team or dogs will not be tolerated. I believe in hiring and supporting a team of individuals to do their best with every situation and aid our dogs in being successful at the Bark Park, but this becomes harder when humans start trying to dictate how we do our jobs or bring negativity in.
Please don’t judge any of your dogs new furriends just because they’re a certain breed or maybe a dog you would not choose for them to be friends with! Why not get to know that dog and give them the benefit of the doubt? They may become one of your new best furriends, too!
If you have any questions or concerns, we’d be happy to talk to you.