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Does Your Dog Have Seasonal Allergies?

If you get seasonal allergies, then you know how awful it can be to walk outside and start your day with a stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and a general yucky feeling. Thankfully, there are plenty of remedies that we can use to soothe these and go on with our daily lives.

Did you know your pets can also suffer from seasonal allergies? We all want what’s best for our four legged best friends, so how can we tell if our pet has allergies and what can we do to help them?

Here’s a quick run down of some common allergy symptoms to look out for:

– Scratching or biting their coat or skin

– Red, inflamed, or infected skin patches

– Excessive shedding (more than normal)

– Obsessive paw licking

– Boot scoots or licking their anal glands

– Chronic ear infections or red, waxy ears

– Respiratory issues, which may include: difficulty breathing, coughing, or wheezing

If you witness any of these symptoms in your pet, we highly recommend taking them in to see a vet! Why? Because it’s best to get a professional opinion before trying to figure out what it could be.

If your dog does have allergies, then there’s no real cure– but there are some ways that these symptoms can be soothed! Your vet may recommend avoiding certain allergens, more frequent baths, or wiling off your dog’s coat and paws after your walks. They may also recommend allergy medication or starting a flea and tick preventative.

Help your best fur-riend feel their most comfortable, happy, and at ease this season by watching our for the signs of pet allergies! To learn more about being a grr-eat dog owner, consider joining Dogs of Tucson for their monthly Dog Learning Series:

You can also bookmark this blog for more paw-some tips to help you be the best dog parent you can be!

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